

We all have fear.
Fear in small doses is healthy, but when fear goes unchecked for too long…

A HUGE part of emotional intelligence is managing fear. How many times have you let fear stop you from taking action? How many times has fear kept your from following your passion and finding happiness.

Fear can crush your spirit. If your spirit is weakened your health is weakened, your happiness is impossible and you begin to lash out at the people around you. Fear is toxic.

One of the greatest fears is the fear of not having money. People don’t confront this fear logically, they react emotionally and end up making mistakes.

But if you have emotional intelligence, when the fear of not having enough money arises, instead of immediately running out to get a job, you might ask yourself ‘Is a job the best solution over the long run?’ the answer is no. A job is a short-term solution to a long-term problem.

The solution is not to have a job, but to have an asset. This is why the rich do not work for money. The rich work to build and obtain assets like a business or real estate.

You can use your passion as fuel to start a small business. When you mix your passion with knowledge you have two key ingredients to defeating fear.

Inspire people


About Marius

Imi place sa daruiesc si de aceea sa ofer si celorlalti, oportunitatile pe care le-am primit.
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